Youth Friendly Health Service

Youth Friendly Health Service

Twambilile Phanga




The Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS) project in Malawi is an initiative supported by the Uinversity of Carlifornia (UNC). In 2016, UNC conducted the Girl Power study to assess whether a model of youth-friendly health services implemented in government clinics could improve service uptake in this population. The study compared three clinics that offered a model of YFHS to one that did not. Participants were followed for one year to monitor uptake and adherence to services. The results were 97% HIV testing, 82% condoms, and 54% contraception uptake, compared to the low numbers from the clinic that did not offer the services. The YFHS model proved to be effective in increasing uptake and adherence to sexual and reproductive health support and services. The programme provides services from a young person’s perspective and addresses known barriers to care in youth dedicated spaces, separate from adults. Providers are trained in the YFHS approach to improve attitudes and peer educators are used to help young clients navigate health services as well as provide free services.