Early ANC attendance in first trimester and subsequent visit till delivery

Early ANC attendance in first trimester and subsequent visit till delivery

Otchere Godsway Orison




This program is centred around sensitization in various communities on the importance of Antenatal Care (ANC) services and more especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. The innovation tries to change the misconception and myths of community members on ANC services. Most pregnant women (especially in Nanumba South district) are of the opinion that when you visit the health facility in the early stages of pregnancy, there’s the likelihood of one losing the pregnancy or having miscarriage. They think visiting the health facility will make other community members aware of their pregnancy and thereby cause them to lose the pregnancy. These services are very essential and crucial to ensure the safety of the mother and child till delivery and after. We strategically engaged the key stakeholders in the various communities on the dangers associated with not visiting the health facility during pregnancy. These stakeholders have supported this innovation and are helping to change these myths and misconceptions. The programme has witnessed great improvement in the number of pregnant women visiting health facilities in the district. The proportion of women who made at least four (4) ANC visits to health facility increased from 90% in 2019 to 98% in 2021. This clearly shows how this innovation is working in the district.