Malaria remains one of the world's leading killer diseases with most of these deaths being in Africa. New tools, technologies and strategies are accelerating progress in even the most challenging environments by lowering costs, increasing efficiency and addressing risks like emerging drug and insecticide resistance. Innovative advances in fighting malaria are also helping to improve the way health systems fight other diseases. Various public-private research partnerships are currently developing efficient, effective innovative tools including malaria vaccines, more sensitive diagnostic tests and new drugs. This database showcases such innovations that have a difference towards malaria eradication globally for adaptation and scalling in the African region.

NLM Malaria Screener

NLM Malaria Screener

National Library of Medicine at NIH
United States of America
Malaria Hero

Malaria Hero

Carlos Atico Ariza,Insightfellows
United States of America


Ultrasound Barrier

Ultrasound Barrier

USE Engineering Corporation
United States of America
Bioline Malaria Ag Pf

Bioline Malaria Ag Pf

Abbott Diagnostics Korea Inc.
ParaHIT® - f Ver 1.0 (Device)

ParaHIT® - f Ver 1.0 (Device)

Arkray Healthcare Pvt. Ltd