Innovation uptake has played a significant role in strengthening response to the covid-19 pandemic globally. Some of these innovations are newly developed and others are a modification of existing technologies. The goal of this database is to share information on the technological innovations used in fighting the pandemic that have already made a difference in other parts of the World for adaptation and scaling in the African region.

Face shields from plastic bottles

Face shields from plastic bottles

Zaidi Recyclers
Tanazania, Africa
self-timing soap

self-timing soap

United Kingdom, Europe
UV Disinfection Robot

UV Disinfection Robot

Blue Ocean Robotics
United Kingdom, Europe
Voice-activated LED protective face mask

Voice-activated LED protective face mask

Tyler Glaiel 
Egypt, Afirica
Beach Bubble

Beach Bubble

Maldives' Seaside Finolhu hotel
India, Asia
Special barrier tent 

Special barrier tent 

Medical University of Warsaw
New toaster

New toaster

Lee Sungwook
China, Asia
Anti-COVID dividers for public transportation

Anti-COVID dividers for public transportation

Centro Manufacturing Corporation 
Phillipine, Asia
Robot for throat swabbing testing

Robot for throat swabbing testing

Lifeline Robotics
Denmark, Europe


United States of America (USA), North America