Dr. Charles Immanuel Akhimien

Solution name: myPaddi

Dr. Charles Immanuel Akhimien

30 Years Old
General area of healthcare

Health Systems Strengthening

Innovation Category

Product or technological

Stage of Developement

Ready to scale

Environment of use

Peri urban

Health problem addressed

Every year 1,25 million abortions are conducted in Nigeria and 60% of these are performed in secret, in very unsanitary conditions and often by unqualified personnel. The result is that an estimated 34,000 young women and girls die from abortions every year in Nigeria. To further compound this, Nigeria has 3,1 million people infected with HIV, the vast majority of whom are young people, due largely to lack of access to accurate, unbiased and youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health information.


Detail on the solution

Dr. Charles Immanuel Akhimien is an entrepreneur and innovator and is the co-founder of MOBicure, a social enterprise providing mobile technology solutions in healthcare for Nigeria and the rest of Africa. The myPaddi app provides young people with access to accurate, unbiased and youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health information that ensures complete anonymity. The anonymity that myPaddi provides is what makes the solution unique. With the app, young people can connect and chat directly with doctors and counselors on any sexual and reproductive health issue and be reassured to receive unbiased information. Furthermore, the app has an open community where young people can interact together to help and support one another.


 Shonaquip Social Enterprise


  Shona McDonald